As you may or may not know.. just a couple of weeks ago, we were in danger of closing our doors due to high demand and but not enough capital to keep up with our growth.
We posted on social media to let our community know and YOU ALL supported us in a way we couldn't believe!
Special shoutout to our new family, Pinky Cole (Founder/CEO of Slutty Vegan restaurants) and her community for rallying around us as well in what she called "Group Economics #3"
Over 7,000+ orders in ONLY 5 DAYS! You could imagine how humbled and grateful we all felt. The outpour of support helped KEEP OUR DOORS OPEN but... also put us to WORK manufacturing, packaging, and getting your orders out.
We ask that you bare with us as we work diligently to make sure everyone gets their products in JUST MOVE fashion.. with high quality and integrity. No matter how many orders we have, that remains a STAPLE.
BECAUSE OF YOU... We were able to purchase a lot more ingredients to continue production on the products our community loves so much. With this being said, that took a little extra time to process your orders.
BLACK OWNED...BLACK MADE We are ensuring quality products for our supporters. Including testing and quality control.
BACK IN THE LAB...Our manufacturing team is working hard to complete production on all items. Please keep in mind that we are a small family owned business with thousands of orders to produce.
YOUR PATIENCE: We appreciate your patience as we get out thousands of orders to everyone across the world.
Integrity: Our processing time is usually A LOT faster however, due to the large influx of orders, it's taking a little longer to get your products out but we are MOVING as fast as we can!
ON THE WAY: Please note that we've already shipped out over 4,000 orders so far. Tons of you have already received your order! (AND LOVING IT!!! ) If you haven't received yours YET, DON'T WORRY... You will receive a shipping confirmation via email or text letting you know your shipment is on the way which should be through out this week.
YOUR SUPPORT: Your support means the world the world to us. Please don't let this shipping time frame stop you from ordering from us in the future. This was an abnormally large influx of over 7,000+ orders in a matter of 5 days and is not normal circumstances. Future orders will ship out within regular timeframe of 3-7 business days. We will be operating back to normal next week!
Comments 18
Praise God! I can’t imagine not having your brand of Vegan Protien Powders and the full line of justmovesupplements out of business! This was truly a blessing to see God’s work and the community come together! I pray for continued blessings for you, the family and the business!😘❤️🙏🏼
I love your product!! I tell everyone I know they should try it. I’m still praying for your business to flourish and keep growing. When ever I can I will be ordering. God bless you
I’m so proud of you guy!! As a business owner myself I know that it is not always easy and that people don’t always see how much money it takes to run a business successfully. They may look from the outside and think oh my God she’s selling so many products to so many people but what they don’t see is all the cost that goes into providing that, I just want to encourage you to keep up the good work. I pray for you and I thank God for giving you what you need to continue to provide us with the excellent products that you do.
I appreciate the update. I totally understand. Your products are great so having to wait is OK with me!
I love you guys and being a part of Team Lashae and the Just Move Supplements family 🥰🤗